Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Do Open Houses Really Show the Value of East Sac?

A woman stopped by my open house a few weeks ago considering a move into East Sac. As she walked through the house, she said, “the closets are so small, the entire kitchen needs updating and the old windows need replacing. I am going to stay in my current neighborhood. My house is much better!” She then turned her nose up and walked away.

After she left I thought to myself, she will never purchase a house in this neighborhood. She just doesn’t understand the value of living in East Sac. The value of East Sac goes way beyond your home. I have come up with my 10 reasons for living here…

•Walking or riding my bike anywhere
•Friendly People
•East Portal Park
•East Sac Hardware
•The History
•Compton's Market
•Neighborhood block parties
•The second hand stores
•4th of July Parade
•Pops in the Park

Tell me your favorite about living in East Sac and I will post them on my column.


First time buyers…are you excited to find a good deal, afraid of overextending yourselves and confused by all the conflicting reports about real estate?

Well, that might describe any or all buyers right now, but those making their very first purchase may feel elevated levels of all these emotions. It helps to have someone offer you some guidance.

Don't be afraid to make your move now, regardless of what you've been hearing about the market. Now is not the time to vacillate about whether prices or interest rates will still drop. There is nowhere to go now but up. Rates are at an historic low and the housing market has homes to offer in every price range your real estate agent will educate you on all the facts and figures you need, and help you to interpret the data so that you can make a sound choice.

With affordability so high, you'll find a flurry of activity out there, so you're not alone in making the right decision to begin your home search. In fact, so far this year 140 homes have sold in the East Sac, River Park and Elmhurst neighborhoods. That is approximately 24 sold per month!

My advice is to talk to an agent who knows the area and the entire inventory in the area you want to live. This will insure that you will find the best home.